References to the Bible contained in J. J. Hofmann: Lexicon universale (1698)

Please note that in Hofmann's 'Lexicon' there is no list of sources. We cannot be sure that an indication of book, chapter and verse found in the 'Lexicon' is valid for current editions of the Bible, too. (Notification of any discrepancies is very welcome.)

When following a link to the machine-readable text of the 'Lexicon', please be aware that this text has not been corrected yet. For consulting a reliable text, please follow the link to the original page.

Hofmann: Lexicon universale, excerpts from machine-readable version with annotation of references to the Bible

A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - K+L - M - N - O - P+Q - R - S - T - V+U - X+Z

Words of warning

This is work in progress - at a very early stage. Our pattern matching process identifies by no means all references it could, given more time for further fine tuning of algorithm and intellectual input. For now, primary emphasis has been put on precision, while slightly neglecting recall.